Have a Nice Day is a dry comedy that follows the story of three everyday strangers trying to live while they can, with the destruction of Earth just on the horizon. Eli is a 20-something who’d rather be at home playing video games instead of working his job as a liquor store clerk during the end of the world. His boss, Lawrence, a middle-aged divorcee, offers Eli a bonus if he buckles down and does his job well. On the off chance the world doesn't explode, Eli hesitantly agrees as his landlord is breathing down his neck for rent. When a 16-year-old girl, Tina, approaches the counter with a fake ID trying to buy alcohol, Eli turns her down. She punches him in the face and leaves with the beer anyway. Eli, battered and bruised from his scuttle, goes for a walk outside to find Lawrence and Tina goofing off and throwing empty bottles just to watch them shatter. This frustrates Eli, being promised a bonus to work hard in the face of imminent death while his boss gets to play hooky. Lawrence reveals the bonus was fake, he too was just trying to escape his existential dread and his wife leaving him. Tina, frustrated by Lawrence's betrayal, forces him to give Eli his bonus anyway. The three strangers step outside after a busy day of doing nothing. The three strangers, now turned family, accept their shared trauma, crack open a beer, and watch as an asteroid barrels toward Earth. Cheers, to the end of the world!
DIR. Ethan Lien